I have seen many stunning photos of a local landmark over the past few years on various photography sites but have never had the urge to visit at sunset myself. This week however my shiny new Canon 5D mark 3 arrived and put me back in the world of SLR ownership. After work when it arrived I was itching to go out and use it in anger. As it was late and the sun was setting I didn’t have much time so jumped in the car and headed out of Bristol to the new Severn Bridge which is about 15 mins from my house if there isn’t any traffic.
As I was driving there I was dubious about if I would get a sunset as there was lots of cloud about especially towards the west, however as I got closer I realised the sun was sitting in just about the only hole in the stormy sky which made for a lovely sunset with some ominous looking clouds which I always enjoy in a landscape photo rather than just a plain “normal” sky. However, I have always found conditions like these fairly challenging to take photos of due to the large dynamic range, but I was pleased with the photos that I achieved, although I am aware this may well be due to the great dynamic range and IQ of the 5D compared to my old SLR and current micro 4/3s camera.
