With the car park located in such a beautiful location, which was so high, it was obvious that I was going to get up for sunrise and head out for sunset, especially as the times were at such a sociable hour given the time of the year. Unfortunately for sunrise I had no plan as we had arrived in dark the previous evening, so I literally just got out of the van and walked 20m to the front of the car park.
Given the lack of effort I had to put in I am pleased with the photos I managed to capture, but in hindsight it would definitely have been better to make a short walk to find a even better viewpoint. The sunrise was very short lived, as the sun rose up and went behind a bank of cloud, but before this happened it was really beautiful, and certainly worth the slightly early alarm clock.
I had done some research on sunset locations, and ended up with one specific shot in mind, the Tre Cime lit up in the golden hour and reflected in a small lake. However what I had not taken into account was that at this time of year the sun set too far south and didn’t light up the Tre Cime at the required angle. This combined with cloud on the horizon which blocked the golden hour sunlight meant that sunset was fairly uneventful. Given the cloud on the horizon I was not expecting the post sunset light to be very good, and given that we needed to drive to our car park for the night, and make dinner, I decided just to head back to the van. Naturally as we were descending in the van the sky exploded with absolutely fantastic clouds…
