Having returned to Munich and finished my quarantine I was keen to get back out into the mountains. Unfortunately the cold conditions from the previous weekend had not lasted, but the weather forecast was glorious.

We decided to head out for a loop above Tegernsee, which climbed up to the Gindelalmschneid and then around to the Baumgartenschneid, before descending back to Tegernsee. Not knowing how much snow had melted during the warm weather of the previous week, we optimistically carried snow shoes, needless to say we did not require them!

The walk was really enjoyable, with paths up through the woods, rounded ridges, beautiful views, and generally good going underfoot. There were some sections in the woods which were very icy, and some spikes would have been useful, especially for the descent.

The Gindelalmschneid, Tegernsee
Lou approaching the Gindelalmschneid
Descending from the Gindelalmschneid
Climbing up to the Kreuzbergalm
View from the Kreuzbergalm
People descending from the Baumgartenschneid
Lou descending from the Baumgartenschneid
Lou descending from the Baumgartenschneid