After a number of years of wanting to do the Nantlle Ridge, we finally ended up in North Wales with a weather window which would enable us to enjoy the ridge at it’s best.

As the weather was best in the morning we started fairly early, which enabled us to see a beautiful sunrise as we were leaving the hut in Rhyd Ddu.

The start of the walk soon woke us up, but once we were established on the ridge it was just brilliant. We had wonderful views in every direction and good weather, apart from the very strong wind!

The scrambling was not extensive, but some of it was fairly involved if you stayed on the ridge crest rather than skirting off on the path to the side.

The final section of ridge before the descent was fairly hard going underfoot, and if I were to do the ridge again I might have descended sooner.

We had dropped a car at the end the night before, but somehow avoided having to do shuttle runs as Becky managed to hitch a lift with the only person we saw all day, who happened to be at the end as we descended.

The conditions for the rest of the weekend were much less favourable due to storm Ciara. On Saturday we wondered up to look at Aber falls, and on Sunday we mostly hid from the conditions apart from briefly leaving the car to go wave watching.

Looking up the Nantlle Ridge at sunrise
Looking towards Moel Hebog
Post sunrise light towards Moel Hebog
Looking over Llyn y Dywarchen
Looking back towards Llyn y Gader
Enjoyable walking along the ridge
Fun scrambling
Scrambling with a stunning backdrop
Great views on the ridge
Looking back towards Snowdon
A rather pointless stile
Walking towards the coast
Looking towards Craig-y-garn
Back down towards Beddgelert
Heading to the Obelisk at Mynydd Tal-y-mignedd
Amazing views back towards Snowdon
Nearing the main summit on Craig Cwm Silyn
Panorama of the Carneddau, Snowdon and the Nantlle Ridge
Approaching the start of the descent
Descending towards the sea
Group shot at Aber Falls