Today we enjoyed a cycle up to Avon Dam and then onto Scorriton. This was our plan b, after aborting mid wales due to excessive amounts of rain being forecast.

The route started up a small road, before a short descent which gave us an idea of what was to come, ie. lots of water! A lovely climb up the side of a valley then followed where we were able to watch a buzzard flying around.

After a short descent we were back down onto tarmac for the easy climb up to Avon Dam. We made short work of this, before encountering the most technical part of the route, the rocky traverse around the Avon reservoir. After a damp climb up we enjoyed a fast and fun grassy descent down Abbot’s Way.

James above the Avon Dam
James above the Avon Dam
Climbing up Abbot’s Way
Descending towards Cross Furzes

After another short climb up a small tarmac road, and then a good track we were soon at the long descent down to Chalk Ford, and then onto Scorriton. We then enjoyed/endured the long 20% climb back up which seemed to go on for a long time!

One last climb then took us up to Skerraton Down. From here we had a stunning view which was full of beautiful autumnal colours. The start of the descent was enjoyable down open fields, however we then joined roads and descended back down to the start.

Beautiful autumnal views from Skerraton Down
Beautiful autumnal views from Skerraton Down
Climbing up to Skerraton Down
Climbing up to Skerraton Down
Descending from Skerraton Down
Descending from Skerraton Down