Last weekend I made the most of the good weather by heading out with my parents on a short mountain bike circuit around the Blorenge.

It is always great to start at the top of a hill, rather than at the bottom. After a short warm up traversing the hill we were soon at the first descent. The first section was very overgrown with heather, and very rough and rocky which was interesting. After this first section was complete there was a lovely long section of single track which took us down to the Punchbowl.

After an initial very steep climb which definitely involved a push up, the rest of the climb back up to the top was fairly straightforward. I was expecting the last short descent back down to the car to be fairly unexciting. However I was very much mistaken, the descent started by traversing along a terrace with fantastic views. It then carried on down a lovely grassy descent with lots of natural bumps and jumps.

We were soon back on the initial traverse path and made our way back to the car. This will certainly be a ride which I return to this winter for night riding when some of the bracken has died back.

Climbing away from Pen-ffordd-goch Pond
Climbing away from Pen-ffordd-goch Pond
Descending in the Bracken
Descending in the Bracken
Hidden singletrack below Blorenge
Climbing up towards lunch at the Punchbowl
Almost at the top of the climb
Starting the descent along the ledge
Descending with a view
Descending with a view
Wonderful riding
Wonderful riding
Rocky sections on the traversing path
Nearly back at the car
Nearly back at the car

Route Map