With another day of dry weather I headed down to the Quantock Hills with Becky for an afternoon of mountain biking. As with yesterdays biking the views were lovely, with plenty of autumnal colours around.

We climbed out of Holford up the “Dog Pound” climb which took us to the top of the classic descent down Weacombe. Unsurprisingly it was much wetter than when I was last here with James in the middle of summer, however it was still lots of fun.

After the climb back up Staple Hill we elected to head over to descent down Start Combe into Somerton Combe, before heading back to Holford. This was more difficult than Weacombe as it was narrower, but it was still very friendly and great fun.

We were soon back down in the Dodders Combe, where we made the descent back down to the car in Holford. After biking we headed to East Quantoxhead to do a short walk along the beach. The geology on the beach was fascinating, and very photogenic.

Nearing the top of the Great Road
Starting the Weacombe Descent
Enjoying Weacombe
Wonderful biking
Lovely autumnal colors in Weacombe
In the sun
Nearing the top of Staple Hill
Near the start of Stert Combe
Starting Stert Combe
In the woods in Somerton Combe
Nearing the end of Somerton Combe
At the end of Somerton Combe
Interesting geology on East Quantoxhed beach
Interesting geology on East Quantoxhed beach
Interesting geology on East Quantoxhed beach