After an aborted attempt at the Tarmachan Ridge due to the car park being an ice rink and having a downhill entrance we had to reassess our options. As Becky is Munro bagging we had to find a single munro which she hadn’t previously climb and which wasn’t too far away.

In the end we settled on heading up north to climb Gael Charn, which is an isolated Munro in the Monadhliath. Based on the forecast and the description, combined with the wind hitting the van in the car park, I wasn’t expecting brilliant day out. Thankfully I was pleasantly surprised, as the boggy approach was frozen solid and apart from at the summit we were below the cloud for the whole day.

Once we got to the snow line the going was quite difficult as the snow was unfrozen and wet, but we made reasonable time to the summit. The views on the ascent were stunning, it was just a shame that we couldn’t see anything from the summit. From the summit we made a quick descent into the freezing wind, and managed to get back to the car just before it got dark.

Looking back to the van
Stunning Scenery
Summit Selfie
Becky on the summit
Me on the descent
Long way back to the van