Today was was forecast to be beautifully sunny and as I am based in Exeter I made plans to head to Dartmoor in the afternoon once I had finished work to do a 9mile walk in beautiful scenery. Thankfully the weather did not disappoint and today we were greeted with clear blue skies and sun with temperatures up to 27 degrees! Though at times it was almost too hot!

We started at two bridges before heading up to Longaford Tor via Wistman’s Wood which is a wood of stunted oak trees that are very odd to look at due to their lack of height. After this we headed up to Bellever Tor via the old Powder Mills where gunpowder used to be made. We next headed down to the West Dart River and over the two sets of stepping stones which were very picturesque before heading back along the moor to the car. It was a great walk encompassing many of Dartmoor’s wonderful features be it beautiful scenery, odd woods, old buildings from time gone by, stepping stones and stone circles and we could not have chosen a better day to do it on.

Today I was focusing more on landscapes than I normally do so don’t have any people photos from the walk as I normally do. I did this as landscape photography is something I really want to improve so I figured a day focusing on it might help, comments on these are very welcome and strongly encouraged!

View up over Wistman’s Wood
The Powdermills
A Chimney at the Powdermills
The Powdermills
An Old Stone Bridge at the Powdermills
View up towards Bellever Tor
Walking down to the stepping stones over the West Dart River
Stepping Stones Across the West Dart River
Stepping Stones Across the West Dart River