Salzburg has been on my list of cities near Munich to visit for a while, and while David was visiting seemed like a good opportunity. The forecast was a but mixed, with some sun, some cloud and some rain. Thankfully we were again very lucky with the weather and it was clear (ish) most of the day and most importantly it was clear when it needed to be in the blue hour.
We started the day by walking from the main station, through the gardens of Schloss Mirabell before heading up to Festung Hohensalzburg. Initially it was bright sunshine which meant that the gardens of Schloss Mirabell were beautiful, did not produce any nice photos. The same cannot be said from the top of the castle, as the view into the mountains and over Salzburg was wonderful, with softened light due to the high cloud, wonderful autumnal colours and a beautiful city.
After we were done in the castle, we walked up the hill on the other side of the river, which gave some absolutely stunning views. Here is somewhere I will definitely return to in the summer for a sunset after work at some point.
As the sun started to set, we headed down to the river for the main event, hoping for a beautiful blue hour photograph. Thankfully the cloud cleared and left us with perfect conditions and I walked away with pretty much exactly the photo I was after.
After we were done we headed to a restaurant for some food and beer before walking back to the train station in the rain.
