Due to the potential for afternoon storms, we wanted to find a route which was easy, relatively long and not too far away from Munich. We ended up settling on heading to the Kampenwand, which had the added advantage of being able to get a lift up to the route!
We linked up multiple routes along the ridge to have a full day out, climbing in the sun with wonderful views. We did not end up climbing exactly what we had originally planned, due to a mixture of ending up at the wrong start place, not wanting to do 6m of climbing to have to abseil back down (and then ending up behind a group of 3 who would have caught up) and a pitch being harder than expected, damp and runout. In the end we linked the following routes, with a few abseils along the way between the different crags:
- Westgipfel, Westseite, Torweg, 80m, f4
- Westgipfel, Westseite, Westgrat (top section), f2
- Teufelsturm, Nordwestkante, 45m, f3
Hauptgipfel, Nordseite, Nordwestverschneidung, 70m, f4+,DNF- Hauptgipfel, Nordseite, Ostgrat, 150m, f2
It was a great day out in the sun, with some enjoyable climbing, some wonderful views, and some great positions. After a relatively quick descent we were back at the top of the Kampenwandbahn, where we enjoyed a well earnt cold drink and Apfelstrudel.
After the drink we I enjoyed a relatively short flight back down to the valley. Unfortunately I was a bit later than anticipated and the valley wind had started to pickup which meant that there was a significant amount of wind drift while thermalling. Despite this, I enjoyed a 35min flight back down to the valley.
