We were keen to get out for a walk prior to Becky making the long drive back to the UK in order to get the van home for a winter break and a new coat of paint. However, as Becky had the long drive we didn’t want the day to be too long so that there was no additional fatigue to add into the mix.

We decided to head up the Blomberg and Zwiesel, which we actually climbed from the other side on my pre assignment trip back in July 2020. However this time we went up from the other side, which turned out to be a really lovely circuit with plenty of time on the ridge and out of the forrest. It really is amazing that this is only an hour from our door, certainly better than a stroll in the mendips!

There was a strong föhn wind forecast, which meant that we prepared for a windy day out. However where we were there was hardly any wind, which meant we were definitely overdressed and certainly had too many layers in our packs. However there was certainly wind about as from the summit of the Zwiesel we could see a number of lenticular clouds in the next valley over.

The walk up was very pleasant with a mix of wooded terrain and open farmland. However we were soon at the Heigelkopf and the start of the ridge. After enjoying some water and the view, we then headed onto Blomberg and the alm. The quick drink ended up becoming lunch which was very enjoyable, however it did make the very easy ascent to Zwiesel feel a bit harder!

The walk down was enjoyable until we ended up in the forrest, where it was just like any other wooded descent and I was very jealous of the mountain bikers who descended past us!

After an enjoyable walk we were back at the car, and made the short drive back home before Becky headed off to the German border for the night.

Looking up towards Lenggries from Heigelkopf
Panorama over Lenggries from Heigelkopf
Becky admiring the view near the top of Zwiesel