Continuing on from our first day and night on the Via delle Bocchette we set off after a leisurely breakfast on the classic central section of the traverse, the Via delle Bocchette Centrale via ferrata.

The start of the day was a short climb up to the Bocca degli Armi, this is the section of the route which forced us to carry our crampons and ice axe as it involved a short cross of a dry glasier. We were not sure if we would actually need them, but when we got there we were very glad that we had them, even if only for 100m!

When we got to the col it became apparent that there was a brilliant cloud inversion to the south, unlike the cloudless skies to the north. This provided us with yet more atmospheric views, but as we were earlier today the clouds remained firmly in the valleys.

An strenuous start quickly lead us up to the highlight of the two days. The route crossed improbable ledges as it traversed around Torre di Brenta and Campanile Alto. No words can really describe how brilliant this section was, there was unbelievable exposure, narrow ledges and spectacular views which kept changing with every corner we went around.

We made good time along this section, and as we left the hut after the initial rush were alone. All too soon the ledges came to an end and we started the descent down to cross between the stunning Campanile Basso and Cima Brenta Alta. We saw multiple teams climbing on Campanile Basso and the routes looked amazing.

A shady traverse and descent took us around the overlook our descent route, which again provided us with a different and still brilliant view. As there was a section of snow at the start of the descent we went down the older route which took us to the bottom of the snow.

The start of the descent looked improbable but it weaved down to the valley below, where we joined a wonderful slowly descending path. This enabled us to stay relatively high and enjoy brilliant views for a long time. After a quick drink and cake at the Rifugio on the descent we continued and before we knew it were in the tree line and the final stretch of the descent.

We made it to Vallesinella in time for a cold drink before the shuttle bus took us back to the cable car station where we started the previous day.

Looking back down towards Rifugio Alimonta
Looking south from Bocca degli Armi
Beautiful views as we climbed out of Bocca degli Armi
The start of start of the breathtakingly exposed ledges
Becky enjoying the outstanding exposure and wonderful views
Unbelievable ledges
The ledges just kept going
“Ledge” selfie
Great atmospheric conditions
Becky walking towards Cima Brenta Alta and Campanile Basso
Cima Brenta Alta and Campanile Basso
Another breathtaking ledge
Becky enjoying the position
No words describe how good this was
Such an improbable ledge
Starting the descent to cross between Campanile Basso and Cima B
Becky in front of Cima Margherita
Looking down our descent valley
A beautiful descent surrounded by rocky peaks
Chapel next to Rifugio Maria e Alberto al Brentei
Leaving the higher peaks behind
A gentle path took us back down to the valley