Becky and I both managed to get some last minute holiday approved which meant we were able to enjoy a 4 day weekend in Scotland with a fantastic, but cold forecast.

After the long drive up on Wednesday night we got the the car park at the start of the walk at 2:30am. Unfortunately due to the short daylight hours we couldn’t have a lie in and had to get up after less than 5 hours of sleep.

We made use of the bikes to reduce the initial walk along the valley, but they really were not necessary. The ascent up to Stob a’ Choire Odhair would have been fairly enjoyable if I had not not been suffering with a cold and lack of sleep, as there was a reasonable path all the way to the top.

As we emerged from the ascent onto the summit plateau we got hit by the fierce and brutally cold wind. After a quick layer up and some food we made a hasty retreat down to the col between us and the next summit. It was very strange as it felt like being out in full on Scottish winter, other than the distinct lack of snow on the ground.

The climb up to Stob Ghabhar was made more challenging by path and rocks being covered in ice, however it was fine. On the way to the summit we enjoyed a lovely ridge and some brilliant views. Thankfully on the summit the wind seemed less harsh than on the previous summit.

As the day was drawing onwards we made a hasty descent which was very pleasant with a vague path to follow, and just one steep section around a beautiful waterfall. As we got back down into the valley the sun was setting and provided us with lovely colours.

On the bike ride back out I stopped to take a photo of the stunning post sunset clouds, and then we noticed a number of deer slightly downstream of us in the river, which provided an enjoyable end to the day.

As we were both fairly cold, and I was feeling ill we decided to head to the Kingshouse to make use of their public showers and have some hot food by their fire, rather than sitting in the cold van all evening.

Stob Ghabhar in the sun
Stunning views back down the valley
Atmospheric light
Atmospheric Light
Cold summit selfie on Stob a’ Choire Odhair
Becky in front of Bidean nam Bian
Great Ridge Walking
High above Rannoch Moor
Approaching the final ascent to Stob Ghabhar
Looking down Glen Kinglass
Amazing views
Summit selfie on Stob Ghabhar
Descending in the sun
More atmospheric light
Beautiful sunset
Post sunset colours
Stag in the evening light