Having had a long day out on Trappfoss yesterday we both felt a bit achy this morning when we woke up so we decided to have a shorter day out in the upper gorge so that Becky could do some more leading.

We had a sociable walk down to the climb as there were numerous teams from our club heading down into the upper gorge. The walk in was as atmospheric as ever, and it was great to walk in with the great view of Trappfoss having climbed it yesterday. Our plans were to head to the single pitch WI3 of Nedre Svingfoss so that Becky could get some more experience on lead.

Becky did a good job leading the route which was a bit steeper than it looked from the ground, which probably made it about WI3. Lucy ventured further up upper gorge with James and David who were setting off up Juvsøyla and after they had set off from the first belay came back and joined us for the climb. As the temperature was only just below freezing the ice remains a mix of decent ice and useless rotten ice, just need some colder weather to freeze it all back together.

As we were all pretty tired from yesterday we decided to call it a day after Nedre Svingfoss and we headed back down the gorge and wet up to visit the hydro station museum.

Walking through upper gorge with Trappfoss in the background
Walking through upper gorge with Trappfoss in the background
Walking up upper gorge
Walking up upper gorge
Becky leading Nedre Svingfoss
Becky leading Nedre Svingfoss
Becky leading Nedre Svingfoss
Becky leading Nedre Svingfoss
A team on Sabotørfossen
A team on Sabotørfossen
Lucy climbing Nedre Svingfoss
Lucy climbing Nedre Svingfoss
Lucy climbing Nedre Svingfoss
Lucy climbing Nedre Svingfoss
Becky & me at the belay
Becky & me at the belay
Becky abseiling back down
Becky abseiling back down
Becky in front of her climb
Becky in front of her climb
Friends on Lettvann
Friends on Lettvann