On the final day we decided to head to Nevis Range for some sliding, and this time the Gondola did actually open (but not before scaring us with a technical fault). It was the first time I have Snowboarded in six years and the first time in the UK. Due to only ever having snowboarded in the alps I have never had to use a drag lift or t-bar so was fairly apprehensive about them and also I had no idea how I would cope on the board after such a long time off.

Thankfully it all came quickly flooding back and after a few runs of the blue while Simon was teaching Hannah how to ski I was keen to head off to some harder routes with him. This did however mean braving a T-bar, however it turns out they are not too bad and I managed to survive the whole day without falling off a lift. Me and Simon really went for it, skiing every route which was open but not in the Back Corries at least once and lots of them we did twice as we wanted to make the most of the day. Generally the conditions were great, they were by no means alpine with lovely fresh non icy snow, but the ice wasn’t too bad, there was some fresh powder making for great sliding and great cover on all the runs and it was possible to ski right back to the gondola station.

Putting skis on at the start of the day
Putting skis on at the start of the day
Jenny on the first run of the day
Jenny on the first run of the day
Cloud beginning to lift
Cloud beginning to lift
Stunning views
Stunning views
It just kept getting better
It just kept getting better
On the chair lift after lunch
On the chair lift after lunch
Lovely conditions on Switch
Lovely conditions on Switch
Traversing to Warrens
Traversing to Warrens
Skiing down Flight
Skiing down Flight
We found Hannah
We found Hannah
At the top of Goose T-bar
At the top of Goose T-bar