After an excellent few days at Lake Garda, we decided to head over to Bassano for some paragliding. I did three flights, one of which was an XC flight from Pannettone and two were flights with Becky.
We started the day with a launch from Stella and a glide down to the landing field. As we started early the launch was fairly quiet, it was a calm enjoyable morning glide down where I did some more wingover practice on my new wing.
We managed to get a private lift up to Pannettone with some Germans, where I enjoyed a short XC flight away from the landing and then back along the ridge before returning to the landing place. It was an enjoyable flight with the autumnal colours, but certainly involved some scratching at times when below an inversion.
With a bit of time left, we headed back up to Stella for an evening glide back down, after the crowds had finished for the day. It was really nice to be at the take off with hardly anyone else around and no pressure. The flight down in the low evening sun was another enjoyable glide with more wingover practice from me.
After packing up and heading back to the campsite we enjoyed excellent pizza at the restaurant attached to the campsite, with some excellent local beer.
