This weekend was Windermere air show which is unique in the fact that it is in a mountainous area which means that it is possible to stand on a hill and take pictures of the aircraft displaying below you. Two years ago the Vulcan displayed there and I have been waiting for her to display there again ever since as the photos from it were just surreal. I did go last year but the Vulcan was not displaying and the weather was awful to say the least!

On the Tuesday before the show the Vulcan confirmed to display so a last minute change of plans lead me to get up at 2:30am on Saturday morning to drive up to the Lake District from Bristol to ensure I got a parking place and a place on the small crag that is the best place to take photos from. Thankfully the weather was stunning and in addition to the Vulcan the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight were also displaying which meant that we got to see a Lancaster and Spitfire low level too and also them in formation at low level!

When the Vulcan was due to display there was a 20min delay due to the air ambulance having to take off and the RAF Falcons being very slow at getting their aircraft into position and we were starting to get worried that the Vulcan would be getting low on fuel as it was holding to the north but thankfully this was not the case and we got multiple great passes.

At airshows normally the sound the Vulcan makes is surreal but add her being in a valley into the mix and it becomes even better as the sound of the four Rolls-Royce Olympus engines echo around the valley!
I can’t put into words how amazing it was seeing the BBMF and especially the Vulcan in such surroundings and I was left speechless and am so happy that I went up despite the 5hour drive and early start as it is such a rare event that may never happen again!

The rest of the photos from the airshow can be seen in the gallery pages as here I wanted to focus on my favourite shots of the day of the BBMF and Vulcan.

BBMF Lancaster
BBMF Lancaster
BBMF Lancaster
BBMF Lancaster & Spitfire
BBMF Lancaster & Spitfire
BBMF Lancaster & Spitfire
BBMF Spitfire