Today I was due to head up to Snowdonia to photograph the RAF fly their jets at low level with David from VeroPhotography but due to forcasts of snow and blizzards we decided to head to Slimbridge Wetland Centre in Gloucestershire instead to photograph some birds and ducks.

It was a very different form of wildlife photography than I am used to as over the summer I speant many hours sitting in a hide near Glasgow waiting for birds to come but here we just walked around and could see loads of rare birds with no waiting, in fact one of the hard parts was just getting a shot with no other birds or parts of birds in! And even when we were in the hides waiting for more specific things such as birds in flight we were never waiting that long as there was so much to do while we were there.

Hiding in the Branches
Flying in threes
A long Flamingo
Hello Mr Goose
A Flamingo Showing off
Flying off into the distance
On final approach
Landing with a friend