Blog Posts in Category: General

New Website Address

Due to having moved away from photography this blog has slowly become a diary of my mountaineering and climbing exploits. Due to this I have decided to rename the website MasterPlan Mountaineering in order to reflect the content of the blog. All the old links will continue to work and if you use an RSS reader then it should continue to work due to website redirects. The new address of my website is thanks Alastair

Family Christmas & Boxing Day Hunt Meet

Well time for my last blog post of the year, after a very enjoyable family Christmas at my Gran’s house along with my Aunts and cousins. For the first time I actually got my camera out due to the 5D3 being so good that it can take photos at f/5.6 with no flash indoors and not be too noisy which meant that some lovely natural photos could be captured without people getting annoyed at the flash. On boxing day I headed to the boxing day meet with the Ledbury Hunt which is the meet that I always used to attend when I rode, but have now not been on horseback for 5 years! It was great to see so many people out on horseback despite the ban, and it was even better to see so many members of the general public out to view the hunt at the meet.

A fantastic 2012 in 100 Photos

Well its coming up to the end of the year and with no trips planned until new year this seemed like an appropriate time to summarise my 2012. I have done so much this year, taken up two new hobbies which have taken over my life, rock climbing and ice climbing. Rock climbing very quickly became my hobby of choice this year, I have progressed very quickly and within a year have gone from never having lead trad climbing to beginning to consolidate climbing at E1, this year I have done: 109 trad rock climbs 87 of which I have lead 36 of those leads were HVS or above I have had a few lucky moments though with a 25 foot fall in Pembrokeshire on Manzoku and a ground fall from 6m at Haytor on Haggis but thankfully I walked away from both with only bruises. I am looking forward to what next year brings and am currently training hard in indoor climbing gyms over the winter months to ensure that I enter the next climbing season as fit as possible. As well as rock climbing this year I also. Read the full article…


Something a little different to normal as last week I graduated from the University of Exeter with an engineering degree or in its longer form as a ‘Master of Engineering with Honours in Mechanical Engineering Class II Division I’. I did not know what to expect from the day but it was a truly special day, surrounded by friends and family celebrating finishing four years of study and the best four years of my life where I have done so much with caving, walking, climbing and even a bit of whitewater kayaking where I have had fantastic experiences, made amazing friends and gained many useful skills which I will take with me for the future. I am very lucky as I am leaving university with a placement on the Rolls-Royce Professional Excellence Graduate Development programme so it is after 18 years of study that I am finally leaving structured education and heading out into the working world.